Integrative Therapy

Integrative therapy is a flexible approach that combines multiple therapeutic methods to create a personalized and effective treatment for each client. At It Begins Within, our expertise in integrating various modalities, such as CBT, EMDR, and DBT, allows us to offer solutions that promote meaningful growth and healing.

Overview of Integrative Therapy

Integrative therapy combines two or more therapeutic approaches together into an effective psychotherapy approach that can be particularly effective when utilized by a skilled mental health professional. Therapists often start off their careers using one particular theoretical integration, but as time goes on they may begin integrating aspects or techniques from other approaches. While the integrative therapist therefore has a unique approach, it is important that they remain intentional when utilizing multiple techniques.

Different psychotherapeutic models all have their own pros and cons; an effective integrative therapist will take positive interventions from the theoretical orientation they are tying into their primary approach and use that combined approach to promote positive outcomes for their clients. It is important to keep in mind that while integrative therapy is it's own type of therapy, the most effective approach is going to be rooted in a main theoretical approach with other specific techniques tied in when needed. Here at It Begins Within, we are recognized as the leaders for Tampa therapy because of our unique approach to utilizing an integrative therapy approach.

Different Modalities Used in Integrative Therapy

While integrative therapy can technically be used with any combination of therapeutic approaches, there are some combinations that may be more commonly utilized than others. For example, family systems therapy has a heavy focus on the family or groups that a person is a part of, and yet most therapists who use this orientation will see individuals, pulling in information about human development, attachment, and even approaches like CBT. The various perspectives that this allows can contribute to a more well-rounded therapy experience when approached in the correct way.

Other potential approaches that could be used in an integrative therapy include:

The most important part of having an effective integrative and holistic therapy approach is the competency of the therapist. There should always be intentionality behind their choice to combine different models or evidence based treatments - feel free to ask your therapist why they are doing something. This can help you work closely with your therapist to get the most out of your experience!

What Can Integrative Therapy Treat?

This depends on the approach that any given integrative therapist takes. Different theories are going to be the best treatment for different clients, so having an idea of what you are looking to cover in therapy is often a good idea if you are specifically seeking out integrative treatment.

Keep in mind that research has consistently shown that the most important part of effective therapy is not based on the therapeutic approach, but rather on the therapeutic alliance, or relationship between therapist and client. Finding someone that you are comfortable enough to be vulnerable with is going to be just as, if not more, important than the different approaches they might tie together throughout your therapeutic journey.

Who Might Benefit From Integrative Therapy?

A mental health professional that utilizes an integrative perspective may be beneficial for those who have had extensive therapy previously, those who have found traditional specific approaches ineffective in the past, or those who want to engage in therapy for a longer period of time. Integrative therapy often inherently has more to pull from - different approaches means different interventions, ways of thinking, etc - so you may be able to set multiple goals throughout your time with a therapist without having to start over. Not all therapists take this approach, so always have a specific conversation with your therapist if that is what you are looking for.

Are There Any Downsides to Integrative Therapy?

As with any therapeutic approach, integrative therapy is not for everybody. For people that have specific trauma or who want a very directed approach, integrative therapy may not be the best option. And as mentioned earlier, the competence of the therapist is vital to any therapy experience being a successful one. If you have doubts, you can always ask! Any effective therapist should be willing to answer questions that you might have about their approach and how they came to choose it.

Whatever approach you end up going with, therapy is most effective when you trust your therapist, are willing to be vulnerable, and recognize that while setbacks are possible so is significant progress.

Schedule Free Consultation

We offer comprehensive mental health services and free consultations for all of our skilled therapists. Our belief is that the strongest factor in your success through therapy is the relationship with your therapist - and we want to ensure that.