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Child Therapy Tampa

mother hugging after she found a child therapist near me in tampa florida

Our child therapists in Tampa & St. Petersburg provide child counseling services including play therapy and parent training for and children ages 2-17.

Child Therapists Serving Tampa & St. Petersburg

While adults and teens can communicate trauma and emotional struggles verbally, children often don't yet have the language or brain development to communicate how they are feeling or what has happened to them.

At IBW, we offer child and family counseling services designed to meet children where they are developmentally. Our compassionate and skilled child behavioral therapists have experience in the leading therapeutic approaches such as sensory integration therapy, client centered play therapy, art therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

we specialize in

  • Play therapy for children

  • CBT therapy for kids

  • In home behavior therapy for children

  • Therapy for parents

How Child Behavioral Therapy & Counseling Services Work

While child counseling often requires utilizing different techniques (compared to therapy with adults) its goals and objectives are similar. It is a supportive process that helps children cope with emotional, behavioral and developmental challenges. Our child therapists provide a space for children to freely express their feelings along with learning skills required to navigate with their emotions and their environment.

Getting started

When you reach out to It Begins Within our first step will be to identify the best clinician for you and your child’s unique needs. Before ever working directly with your son or daughter, we will schedule a free consultation call to ensure we fully understand your needs and do have the best fit possible.

parent involvement in child therapy

It’s important to note that while we often will primarily be working with your child, the parent’s role in therapy is critical. Our child behavioral therapists will strongly encourage parental involvement in the process, and offer guidance on effective approaches to bring into the home.


Therapy typically involves an initial assessment and followed by psychological services and interactive activities such as games (including art therapy & play therapy). The therapist observes and communicates with the child to understand their concerns, fears, or struggles. Through these interactions our therapists help children to develop coping mechanisms and skills needed to regulate or express their motions.


The ultimate goal of behavioral and pediatric therapy is to improve functioning at home and in school, and help your child develop skills to cope with challenges. We focus on empowering children to understand and manage their emotions, improve their social skills, and navigate challenges more effectively.

How Long Will My Child Need Therapy For?

Tampa child relaxing after behavioral therapy for kids

The duration of child counseling will vary based on the child's specific needs, presenting challenges, and the therapeutic approach utilized. The overall length of therapy can range from a few weeks to several months (or longer) depending on the situation.

We hold a standard at It Begins Within that our standard sessions are a true hour (60 minutes), and not what some refer to as a clinical hour (45-50 minutes). Depending on your availability and the child’s needs, we often will prescribe a weekly or bi-weekly session treatment plan which is discussed in details with the parents or caregivers involved.

Factors that influence duration & Outcomes

While there are a number of considerations which contribute to the length of therapy and the speed in which therapeutic goals are reached, we believe there are four primary factors.

  1. The severity of your child’s issue or challenge

  2. Your child’s response to therapy (which will strongly be influenced by the following two)

  3. Consistency in attendenace

  4. Parent’s involvement at home and in the process

Approaches to Children's Therapy

There are a number of evidence-based approaches to behavioral therapy for kids. One of the primary responsibilities of the therapist is to understand the issue, and the utilize the best therapeutic approach to meet the unique needs of each child.

common approaches we use for child counseling in tampa

  • Play therapy - Uses play as a means to help children express emotions and resolve conflicts. This is typically utilized for younger children who may struggle to verbalize their emotions.

  • CBT therapy for kids - Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps children recognize and change negative thought patterns.

  • Behavioral therapy - Focuses on modifying behavior through reinforcement techniques (such as praise & punishment).

  • Parent-Child Interaction Therapy - Strengthens parent-child relationships and improves behavior through structured interactions.

image representing child counseling near me in Tampa

How to Know If Your Child Needs Therapy

If you are currently concerned for your child’s wellbeing, we strongly encourage you to read a more comprehensive article we’ve written discussing the specific signs and considerations for identifying if your child can benefit from therapy.

a child therapists perspective on what to look for

  • Is the behavior you are concerned about normal for their specific age?

  • Are they experiencing persistent changes in mood such as prolonged sadness, excessive worry, or sudden withdrawal?

  • Is your child exhibiting sudden behavioral issues like aggression, defiance, or difficulties interacting with peers?

  • Are they functioning well at school and at home?

  • Have they developed physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches without apparent medical related causes?

  • Are they showing regression in previously acquired skills, such as bedwetting or thumb-sucking?

Ultimately communication is key - you will know your child’s behavioral patterns better than anyone. Trust your instincts as a parent, if you sense something is amiss or your child appears to be struggling seeking the opinion of counselor can help determine if therapy is appropriate.

Please also note that if your child has experienced a traumatic event, loss, or major life change, therapy can provide crucial support. Our counselors are trauma informed practitioners licensed in Florida and are equipped to address various traumatic events that may be negatively impacting your child or teen.

What Should I Expect from Behavioral Therapy for Kids?

In child therapy, you can expect a collaborative and supportive process involving both the child and the counselors. During the initial intake process, the therapist will gather information about the child's history, concerns, and goals. The therapist will work to establish a trusting relationship with the child, creating a safe space for expression.

Sessions often involve age-appropriate activities, allowing the child to communicate and explore their feelings in a safe space. The therapist will observe behavior, identify patterns, and provide guidance to address challenges. Depending on the child's age and needs, sessions may likely include parental involvement.

How Much Does Child Therapy Cost?

The cost of child therapy varies based on factors such as location, the therapist's qualifications, and the type of therapy provided. Here at It Begins Within, specifically our South Tampa therapy and St. Petersburg therapy locations, our rates are $160 per hour, for a full 60 minute session, while our Family therapy rates are $215 per hour. These rates are standard in the Tampa area.

Child Therapists in Tampa & St. Petersburg

Child therapists play a crucial role in understanding and nurturing the mental health of young minds. Our specialized child counseling professionals focus on addressing the unique challenges children face, from developmental issues to emotional struggles.

By employing a variety of assessment tools, observation techniques, and communication strategies, we are able to help identify and treat a range of issues such as anxiety, trauma, and behavioral disorders. These interventions not only support the child, but also provide valuable guidance to parents and educators. In a world where the pressures on children continues to evolve, the work of child psychologists is instrumental in fostering resilience, emotional intelligence, and a foundation for a healthy future.

How To Approach Your Child About Therapy

Approaching the topic of therapy with a child requires sensitivity and open communication. Here are some suggestions on how to communicate with your child about therapy:

  1. Choose an Appropriate Time - Find a quiet time to talk when you won't be rushed or interrupted. Ensure that you have enough time to discuss the matter calmly.

  2. Use Simple Language - You may need to modify your language to your child's age and understanding. Use simple and clear explanations to convey the idea that counseling is a very normal and can help them feel better.

  3. Emphasize Support - Frame the conversation positively by emphasizing that counseling is a resource to help them, not a punishment.

  4. Be Honest and Direct - Be honest about why you believe counseling would be beneficial. You can mention specific behaviors, emotions, or challenges without placing blame.

  5. Assure Confidentiality - Reassure your child that what they share with the therapist is private and that therapists are there to help, not to judge.

  6. Listen to Their Feelings - Encourage your child to express their feelings and concerns. Acknowledge their emotions and let them know you care about them.

  7. Involve Them in the Decision - Encourage your child in the decision making process. Ask for their input on what they think might be helpful and encourage them to share their thoughts and preferences.

Remember that discussing therapy may be an ongoing conversation. Be patient, understanding, and ready to answer any questions your child may have. If they are hesitant, consider attending a session together or meeting the therapist beforehand to alleviate concerns.

Happy child in Tampa after psychology session

Challenges Child Therapy Solves

Our Tampa child counseling services are tailored to address a wide range of challenges including:

pediatric therapist working with kid screaming into microphone for play therapy

Related Services

  • This is a therapeutic approach used within pediatric counseling to better understand and resolve emotional and behavioral struggles in children.

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  • Parent training gives parents a set of tools to improve communication with their children or adolescents in a way that elicits a change in unwanted behavior.

    Learn More

  • The goal of family therapy is to improve familial conflict and help family members find new, healthy ways to work together.

    Learn More

Because we do not work with insurance providers…

We are able to tailor therapy plans to the needs of each person and each child, without having to comply with common insurance limitations.

If you think it may be time to ask for help

We offer comprehensive mental health services for children, teens and families. We are dedicated to the best outcome for our clients. Please reach out to us today to book a session with one of our skilled child behavioral therapist.