Parent Training
Parent training gives parents a set of tools to improve communication with their children or adolescent in a way that elicits a change in unwanted behavior.
What is Parent Training?
Parent training is a structured intervention aimed at equipping parents and caregivers with strategies for managing their child's behavior, improving parent-child interactions, and fostering a positive family life. This type of therapy typically involves teaching evidence-based parenting techniques and skills that are effective in promoting healthy child development and reducing behavioral difficulties. It also can address a range of topics, including setting clear and consistent limits, using positive reinforcement, implementing effective discipline strategies, promoting emotional regulation, and enhancing communication within the family.
It is delivered through various formats, such as individual sessions, group therapy, and parenting classes. At It Begins Within, the approach and treatment plan is tailored to meet the unique needs and circumstances of families.
What does parent training accomplish?
Parent training equips parents with a variety of skills to effectively manage their child's behavior and promote positive parent-child interactions. Some of the skills that can be gained through parent training include:
Effective communication:
Learning how to communicate openly and effectively with children, including active listening, expressing feelings and needs, and setting clear expectations.
Establishing boundaries:
Developing skills for setting clear and consistent limits with children, establishing rules and consequences, and enforcing boundaries in a firm but loving manner.
Positive reinforcement:
Understanding the importance of praising and rewarding desired behaviors, using incentives to motivate children, and reinforcing positive behaviors to encourage their repetition.
Developing problem-solving skills to address conflicts and challenges that arise within the family, teaching children how to resolve conflicts constructively, and finding solutions to common parenting dilemmas.
Regulating emotions
Learning techniques to manage one's own emotions effectively, modeling healthy emotional expression for children, and teaching children how to recognize and cope with their own emotions.
Developing strategies for responding to misbehavior in a consistent and fair manner, avoiding harsh or punitive discipline, and promoting self-discipline and responsibility in children.
Recognizing the importance of self-care for parents, including managing stress, setting boundaries, and seeking support from others when needed.
Child development education:
Gaining knowledge about child development milestones, understanding age-appropriate behavior, and recognizing signs of developmental delays or mental health concerns.
Goal of Parent Training in Tampa & St. Petersburg
The goal of parent training is to empower parents with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to effectively manage their child's behavior, improve parent-child interactions, and foster a positive family dynamic. Through evidence-based parenting techniques taught in parent training programs, parents learn how to set clear and consistent limits, use positive reinforcement, implement discipline strategies, promote emotional regulation, and improve communication within the family.
By equipping parents with these tools, parents are able to reduce child behavioral difficulties, strengthen parent-child relationships, and promote healthy child development.
Approach to Parent Training
At IBWHC our therapists apply a strengths-based approach to family therapy and parent training. The therapist listens to the parent with empathy and uncovers how their past may be affecting their current parenting challenges. Parents and the therapist work together to learn what their strengths are and then apply them to their own parenting style.
The goal of parent training is for parents to gain confidence in their ability to connect with their children and create a more peaceful home environment.
Parent Training Therapy Services Tampa, FL
Here at It Begins Within, we offer several approaches to Parent Training & Parent Therapy. While the list below represents many of the leading approaches, we will generally utilize a combination of these, specifically tailored to the individual and their unique needs.
Behavioral Parent Training (BPT): BPT is a structured, skills-based approach that focuses on teaching parents specific techniques for managing their child's behavior. This approach typically involves strategies such as positive reinforcement, effective discipline techniques, setting clear expectations, and promoting consistency in parenting practices.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT for parent training emphasizes the role of thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors in shaping parent-child interactions and child behavior. Parents learn to identify and challenge negative thought patterns, develop coping skills for managing stress and frustration, and implement behavior management strategies based on cognitive-behavioral principles.
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT): PCIT is a structured, evidence-based therapy approach that focuses on improving the quality of parent-child interactions and strengthening the parent-child relationship. Through coaching sessions, parents learn specific skills for enhancing communication, fostering positive interactions, and addressing challenging behaviors in real-time.
Attachment-Based Therapy: Attachment-based therapy focuses on promoting secure attachment between parents and children, which is essential for healthy emotional development. Parents learn to recognize and respond sensitively to their child's emotional needs, provide a secure base for exploration, and foster a trusting and supportive parent-child relationship.
Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Mindfulness-based approaches for parent training incorporate mindfulness techniques to help parents cultivate present-moment awareness, regulate their own emotions, and respond to their children with greater empathy and compassion. These approaches may include mindfulness meditation, relaxation exercises, and mindfulness-based parenting practices.
Family Systems Therapy: Family systems therapy views family dynamics and interactions as interconnected and influenced by the larger family system. Parents learn to understand how their own behavior and communication patterns impact the family system, identify areas of dysfunction, and make changes to promote healthier family functioning.
These therapy approaches can be delivered through various formats, such as individual or group sessions, workshops, or online courses, and may be tailored to meet the unique needs and life circumstances of families.
The choice of therapy approach depends on factors such as the child's age and developmental stage, the nature of the child's behavior problems, and the preferences and goals of the parents.

Sessions available for parent therapy
We offer comprehensive mental health services for parents and families and are dedicated to the best outcome for our clients. Please reach out to us today to book a session with one of our skilled therapists.